E-Beat Mobile App

The Customer
Tamil Nadu police department is the primary law enforcement agency in the state of Tamilnadu. Under the Modernisation of Police Force (MPF) scheme, the Ministry of Home affairs is trying to reduce the dependency of states on Army and the Central Armed Police Forces to control internal security and law and order situations by equipping the State Police Forces adequately and strengthening their training infrastructure. Hence the Tamil Nadu Police department has devised various projects to improve the state police infrastructure.
The Problem
Beat policing has long been in practice to strengthen police-public relationship and to reduce crime and disorderly conduct in a locality. The problem with the current methods of beat policing is the lack of modernization. The beat police officers are still required to sign in the beat book, commonly known as patta book, to validate their presence in the designated beats. This conventional method has its own disadvantages and loopholes e.g unable to access the beatbook, uncertainty of presence of beat police officer until beatbook is verified, fabricating logs in the beatbook etc.
The Solutions
We have developed a mobile application for beat police officers which can be used to mark their attendance in their designated territory. QR codes are generated for designated areas and once the beat police officer scans this through the eBeat mobile application, real time information on location of the police officer and the time registered are sent to the control centre.
Effective patrolling

To ensure the safety of the community a beat police patrols their territory and is expected to be at particular points at set times. Missing a point without good reason was regarded very seriously and was often the cause of disciplinary action against an officer. With the eBeat mobile application, regular patrolling can be ensured since the logs are sent to the control room in real time.

Quick response

With control centres having real time data on the location of each patrol vehicle in a locality, it is easy for them to dispatch the nearest officer when help is needed.